This page highlights some of the best resources that inspire and inform the software engineering journey. These books, podcasts, and blogs offer valuable insights, technical expertise, and new perspectives that drive personal and professional growth.


Title Author(s) Why It’s Inspiring
Getting to know IntelliJ IDEA Trisha Gee, Helen Scott Good book, very easy to read, very pragmatic with a lot of examples and snapshots. It’s not about theory, it’s about an optimized usage of a tool which is highly central for a software engineer. I wish I received this book way earlier in my career, maybe when I was a Junior.
The Phoenix Project Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford Because this book is written as a novel, it’s an fascinating and engaging reading. It’s really nice to have characters which makes you think about persons you’ve met during your own job. And like with any good book, you are sad when you reach the end, because you became attached to the heroes. Although it was written more than 10 years ago, it remains up-to-date, because a lot of industries haven’t understood what DevOps actually means. Blockers, micro-management, politics, pride, audits, security, so many things which impact (and slow down) teams’ work.
Turn the Ship Around L. David Marquet A non-technical book, for once. Highlighting how to turn followers into leaders


Podcast Name Host(s) Why It’s Inspiring Link
Book Overflow Carter Morgan, Nathan Toups Bringing discussions and incentives from tech books Website